El Dorado Dance Academy prides itself on being the top dance instruction school in El Dorado County offering the most diverse range of classes to meet most needs.
EDDA also understands that there are many things to consider when choosing a dance school, yet area residents take comfort in knowing that EDDA is owned and operated by Mark & Ella Nash who believe that students of dance are in search not only of technical achievement, but higher life goals. Therefore, it is through the study of dance that good values, integrity and personal advancement become qualities that EDDA aims to cultivate.
If, in the Frequently Asked Questions below, you do not find the answer to your question, please feel free to e-mail or simply give us a call (916) 933-0034.
What does El Dorado Dance Academy offer?EDDA offers a full range of dance classes for every age group and level of ability. Standard dance styles such as Ballet, Jazz, Tap and Lyrical are on offer, as well as popular cutting edge dance styles such as AcroDance, Baton Twirling, Hip-Hop, Contemporary, Musical Theatre Dance, and Turns and Technique. If you have an interest in other dance genres, let us know!
Is there an age limit for dance lessons?There is no age limit for adult dance classes. In fact, we offer seniors' only classes in disciplines where interest exists. Age limits for children enrolling are as follows: Students of the age of 2.5 are the youngest that El Dorado Dance Academy enrolls, and this would be for the ballet preparatory class Dance Discovery or the rhythmic fun of Hippitee Hop! Students aged 4 can take Creative Movement or one of our Ballet/Jazz/Tap Combo classes. Pre-teen Jazz, Pre-Tap, Hip-Hop and Baton Twirling can accommodate children as young as 5. Lyrical classes start children from the age of 8. Call or email for more details and find the right class for you!
What type of music do you use?El Dorado Dance Academy hosts several hundred children and adults, all seeking an enriching movement experience that adds quality to their lives. The latest and hottest music in the music/dance world is used for all classes, when it meets certain criteria. A strict music policy has been set at EDDA wherein music appropriate to the dance style is used. However, it is music that does not contain profanity, explicit sexual innuendo or morally compromising messages. Building a community where integrity can be cultivated in the dance classroom, EDDA positions itself as a gateway to our students' personal conduct in dance and life.
What kind of dance floors does EDDA have? Are they safe for my body?The floors in all studios at El Dorado Dance Academy are raised from the concrete subfloor and sprung for maximum comfort, safety and injury prevention during dance training. We have both hardened wood surfaces perfect for tap, for example, and studios covered with 'Marley' surfacing which is a slip-resistant vinyl that is easy on knees and soft tissue, good for Hip-hop, Jazz, Modern and so much more!
What should I bring to the lesson?Dancers should always bring a smile, a bottle of water and appropriate dance attire/shoes to class.
When are the lessons taught?Click here for a list of scheduled classes, days and times.
What if I don't know what type of dance I want to study?Students new to dance are able to "Drop-In" to any class of their choice to try it out before signing up. EDDA's Drop-In Fee is $18 and if you register that same day, we will apply the $18 toward your tuition for that same month. In line with our mission to serve the community, EDDA also offers 4 week sessions of Dance Discovery, Creative Movement, Ballet and Hip-Hop/Jazz. You may register for these 4 week sessions through the El Dorado Hills Community Services District. There is no studio administrative enrollment fee, and no Make-up classes are allowed.
My schedule is too busy during the week. Are there dance lessons on the weekend?There are weekend dance lessons on Saturday mornings! Click here for a list of scheduled classes, days and times.
Does EDDA have any outreach programs?Yes! El Dorado Dance Academy's program 'Dance on the Move' visits Day Care, Pre-schools, Elementary and Jr. High Schools in the El Dorado County area in order to expose young people to dance and movement arts. EDDA dancers also visit convalescent homes and aid in community work through dance as entertainment for many who otherwise may not have the opportunity to see dance performance. One of EDDA's most important goals is to provide a home for anyone who wants to dance and offers dance classes for anyone who lives with a physical disability and wishes to dance as a form of expression. Please visit the Outreach section of this site for more details on our programs.
Will there be opportunities for me to perform?In January, EDDA Summer Concert notifications will be sent home with all students informing them of the upcoming opportunity to perform at the end of June. If students wish to participate in EDDA's Summer Concert, a nominal concert fee will be incurred for costume purchase, music copyright, theatre rental, insurance, and theatre/technical expenses. The Summer Concert is presented in a professional venue with professional lighting, sound and stage crew to assist the production. Tickets are purchased separately. Additional opportunities to perform at the pre-professional level take three forms: One option is to perform and tour with EDDA's resident Kaleidoscope Touring Company (High school age +), Prism Apprentice Company (Jr. High School age +) or Spectrum Jr. Company (Elementary School age +). Kaleidoscope, Prism and Spectrum have toured to Japan, New York, China, Chicago, Hawaii and Los Angeles, to name a few destinations. For more information about EDDA's exciting and multi-disciplined touring companies, please ask at Reception about EDDA's audition dates, pre-requisites and policies.
Does EDDA take dancers to dance competitions?A lot of thought was given to whether EDDA dancers would participate in dance competitions. There was concern that the competitive nature of the events would undermine our mission of 'Integrity in Dance and Life'. We have since decided that EDDA would participate in select dance competitions, seeing competition as a mechanism to hone dance skills and showmanship. It is stressed that company members are representatives of EDDA and must behave accordingly at all times. EDDA has three multi-disciplined touring companies with capabilities in Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop and Lyrical. Auditions for the companies are held once a year in June.
Are there classes for guys?Yes! Male students can enjoy any of the dance styles offered at El Dorado Dance Academy, and of particular interest would be Jazz, Turns and Technique, Modern, Ballet, Tap, Hip Hop, Irish Dance, Musical Theatre Dance and Polynesian.
Will I be the only adult?Students enrolled at El Dorado Dance Academy range in age from 3 years old to senior, and there are plenty of classes for adults and seniors, too! When interest exists, Adult classes are offered in the mornings, noontime and evenings covering such dance styles as Ballet, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Tap, Clogging, Irish, Social Dance, Yoga/Pilates and Body Sculpting. Please inquire at Reception.
How many students per class?EDDA tries to limit class numbers so that special attention can be paid to each and every child. As a general rule, EDDA permits 12 students per class, though this number sometimes increases or decreases depending on enrollment, the size of the classroom and market demand in any given season.
I am a beginner. Do I need to know anything before I come to my first class?The first thing needed before coming to dance class is a smile! After that, removing the word "can't" from one's vocabulary is a requirement at EDDA, because we CAN achieve our highest potential! Bringing proper dance attire is necessary (please refer to EDDA Dress Codes) as is bringing a bottle of water and warm clothes for leaving the facility in cold weather. EDDA staff will make every effort to place beginners in classes with other beginners. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry that you will be unable to keep up as most all students in your class will be at the same level of ability.
How and when do I pay for my classes?Tuition is due the first week of each month. Give checks or cash to the receptionist before taking class. It is payable to El Dorado Dance Academy, or simply write "EDDA". Credit, VISA and Mastercard are also accepted. We encourage our families to utilize our auto-debit option. We can automatically deduct your tuition each month by charging your credit card.
Is there a discount if I take more than one class per month?Tuition is graduated, so that the more classes you take, the less you pay for each class. Moreover, if more than one family member is dancing at EDDA, our family discount is offered whereby the first student is charged full tuition and each child thereafter gets a 10% discount off monthly tuition!
Is EDDA a safe environment for children?The founding director of El Dorado Dance Academy has gone to great lengths to insure that the children studying dance at this facility are well taken care of by a caring and well trained staff of instructors, dancing on safe floors and to appropriate music. The studio itself is located in an upscale area with plenty of parking, a minimum of traffic, and adequate outdoor lighting at night. Moreover, EDDA has instituted policies that no child will be left alone at night after the studio is closed, if a family member is running late. Please note, any parent/guardian who does not pick up a student immediately after class will be charged a $10 fine for every 15 minutes late after the studio has closed.
Is there a dress code?In order to meet the goals of El Dorado Dance Academy's vision and instill integrity in life through the study of dance, appropriate dress codes are expected of every student depending on the dance discipline studied. These dress codes are there for primarily three reasons: 1) To educate and pay respect to the years of tradition that dance has been built upon. 2) To maintain a comfortable professional environment for everyone at the studio. 3) Safety. Click here for a description of dress codes.
What is "Lyrical" dance?Lyrical is a hybrid combination of jazz, ballet and modern dance. Lyrical is one of the most popular styles of dance to date. Rooted in strong ballet technique while enjoying the flows and rhythms of modern, Lyrical pulls movement vocabulary from jazz and has developed into a beautiful, free-flowing style set to slower pop songs and ballads. More emotive than jazz, lyrical pulls at the heart strings moving audiences and dancers alike.
I cannot afford to pay for the number of classes I want to take. Do you offer scholarships?Yes, and we are excited to make this option available to a select number of students in need. Please ask at Reception about scholarship audition dates and times, as well as other options that might suit your situation.
Can I buy my dance supplies at EDDA?El Dorado Dance Academy sells a limited supply of dance basics such as tights and T-shirts. Though EDDA is not a retail facility, these items are here for our student's convenience and the convenience of the local community. Keep your eyes open for Christmas sales and birthday specials!